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About HillFit


The Ultimate Method to Change your View of your Body

HillFit was born out of my desire to educate and inspire people,
especially women, on the benefits of resistance training. During my 20s and 30s, my focus was on cardio - coaching aerobic classes and running marathons. I believed cardio was the key to good health and the body I wanted. Not so! When I discovered resistance training, I was able to see my hard work pay off as I became leaner and stronger. Additionally, the resulting better moods, better sleep, stronger bones, better joint flexibility, and the reversed signs of aging were all big pluses to me. As I started to encourage and train others, I got great feedback about their results as well.

My desire is to help you get the health and body you deserve. The
powerful combination of HIIT (high intensity interval training) and
strength training can boost you to that level. I hope you make the
choice to let me coach and inspire you on this fitness journey.

Why HillFit

Sculpt, Lean out & Love your Body

Workout from Anywhere

Weekly Training Program from Shana

Doable for ALL Fitness Levels 

Effective & Efficient workouts 

Community & Encouragement from like-minded individuals

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